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The Orkneys Yang Portal

By March 12, 2017June 16th, 2017No Comments

Another research trip for Earth Guardians book three: Blue Wind, is now booked. During the powerful energy of the Autumn Equinox, a shaman, Prune Harris, will lead our small group to work with an immense Yang Portal energy housed within Orkney. “The vast portal has been building power since 2012. Gathering energy from the Earth (yin), it is nearly ready to be released in its Yang form. Imagine a vast column of energy forging its path to the heavens and into the multiverse. We are going to be working with this releasing yang energy to help balance and raise the consciousness of the Divine Masculine, especially as it relates to the human embodiment of the masculine. We (the ones of us who are currently alive and conscious) are the ones who will change that, and this work in Orkney is an important piece of empowerment, balancing and transformation. We do this work for ourselves, our ancestors, our descendants and all of Creation.” (Prune H.)

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