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By August 5, 2017No Comments


If you haven’t found my Facebook page yet, check it out and tag along. This is a taste of what’s happening …


 This photo has mesmerised me these past few days. Even when If you haven’t found my Facebook page yet, check it out and tag along. This is a taste of what’s happening not looking at it, I still see it, in my mind’s eye – looming, calling me. The second journey I ever took to the Otherworld on the beat of drum took me to a fire, and it still burns. Yes, I benefit from its energy and warmth, but more than that I feel the support of my ancestors standing around it, holding space for me, and in return I intend to write stories which respects them. It’s the best way to express my gratitude as they asked me to start writing in the first place.


This is where I meditate, barefoot, to be close to the Earth and open the channels for Nature’s electricity to flow through me. It’s where characters, landscapes and plots form. It’s where I go to lose myself in the quietest realms and to remember who I am and where I’m going.


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